For the last week Chilean street artist INTI has been working intensely on a new mural in Aalborg, Denmark as part of the sixth edition of the mural project ‘Out in the Open’ curated by kirk gallery.
“Maintaining a close and caring relationship to nature like a mother holding it in her arms.”
The mural ‘TAIÑ MAPU / Our Land’, refers to the relationship between Denmark and Chile and how both countries are very focused on environmental issues and how they preserved nature and original cultures.
“While beginning this mural in Denmark (a country known for its environmental policies), the Mapuche people in Chile continue their historic fight for their land.
The mural in Aalborg explores the common ground existing between two distant cultures. Where there mainly seem to be differences, both countries maintain a relationship of respect and harmony with the land we inhabit living in us.
Today more than ever we have to learn from those who have managed to live in balance with our ecosystem. How to keep a close connection to nature and treat it with care like a mother holding it in her arms.” INTI
The mural shows a feminine figure holding folage in her arms.
INTI uses the colours of chile in his murals…
“I’ve been working with warm colors and spiritual symbols since this is a part of our story in Chile. In general, I like to challenge the spiritual – not religiously but as a reference to our culture and then mix it all together.” INTI