Coney Art Walls, presented by Thor Equities, is an outdoor museum of street art featuring the work of thirty celebrated artists including legends such as Lee Quinones, Lady Pink, Crash, Daze, Futura and Kenny Scharf, leading artists of the next generation including Shepard Fairey, Maya Hayuk and How and Nosm, and exciting emerging artists like Tatyana Fazlalizadeh and Lauren Halsey.
Complementing the wall murals are twelve artisanal food vendors selected by Smorgasburg, and a Sunday afternoon and evening music program. Coney Art Walls is located at 1320 Bowery Street in Coney Island.
“Coney Art Walls will be an outdoor museum, featuring the most innovative street artists from the 1970s to the present,” Jeffrey Deitch, Curator
Jeffrey Deitch’s new Brooklyn street art project, Coney Art Walls, is rapidly taking shape and with all these great street artists painting our taste buds are definitely getting tantalised! heres whats for starters on the coney walls!
GraffitiStreet is definitely hungry for more so drop back at a later date to see the skills of these artists yet to come!!
9th June 2015- AVAF, Jane Dickson, Lee Quinones, Ron English, Buff Monster, Lauren Hasley, 10th June – AVAF, Jane Dickson, Lee Quinones, Ron English, Buff Monster, Sheryo, Tatyana Fazlalideh 11/12 June – AVAF, Jane Dickson, Lee Quinones, Mister Cartoon, Sheryo, eL Seed 13th June – ROA, Mister Cartoon, Sheryo, Kashink