Exploring the Vibrational Nature of the Universe: Ricky Lee Gordon’s and Rodrigo Morán “We Are Water” Installation

“We Are Water” is a breathtaking immersive audiovisual installation that seamlessly blends water, sound, and art, creating a mesmerising experience that explores the vibrational nature of the universe. The installation comprises 12 large canvases of the ocean painted in charcoal and natural indigo by Ricky Lee Gordon and a water cymatics installation by Rodrigo Morán.

Ricky Lee Gordon and Rodrigo Morán’s “We Are Water” immersive audiovisual Installation. Image Courtesy Maia contemporary

“We Are Water” is designed to remind us of the deep connection we share with nature by showcasing how everything in the natural world vibrates. From the smallest molecules to the largest planets, all matter is composed of vibrations of various underlying fields, and this idea is beautifully brought to life in “We Are Water”.

Exploring the Vibrational Nature of the Universe- A Look at Ricky Lee Gordon's We Are Water Installation

Ricky Lee Gordon and Rodrigo Morán’s “We Are Water” immersive audiovisual Installation. Image Courtesy Maia contemporary

The water cymatics by Rodrigo Morán is a highlight of the immersive audiovisual installation, with oceanic sounds vibrating at the base of a container filled with water, emitting frequencies that create mesmerising geometrical patterns on the water’s surface. The combination of sound and water creates a stunning display, and the emerging patterns are a testament to the vibrational nature of the universe.

Ricky Lee Gordon and Rodrigo Morán’s “We Are Water” immersive audiovisual Installation. Image Courtesy Maia contemporary

“We Are Water” also explores the idea that we are predominantly water, with the Earth and the human body comprising 70 per cent water. This means that we might be exposed to the same frequencies that reverberate on our planet, such as the Schumann resonances, which are low-frequency electromagnetic waves that bounce around the Earth like an active “resonant chamber.” The installation raises the question of whether the phenomenon of spontaneous self-organisation, where different vibrating things come together and start to vibrate at the same frequency, could suggest that we can sync up with bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, and oceans.

Ricky Lee Gordon and Rodrigo Morán’s “We Are Water” immersive audiovisual Installation. Image Courtesy Maia contemporary

“We Are Water” seeks to inspire a connection with the planet’s most essential element, water, and the interconnectedness of all things. The installation reminds us of our responsibility to nature and the planet and how we can shift our perspective to one where ecology is at the centre of our actions, leading to a more sustainable future for all.



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