Spreading Joy Through Art: Kevin Ledo’s Surprise Mural Project at Stone Day School, Massachusetts

Street artist Kevin Ledo and aptARTS founder Samantha Robison decided to paint a mural at Stone Day School, a special needs institution in Massachusetts. The mural was painted during the summer when the children were on break, thus making it a project without the students’ direct involvement and more of an exciting surprise on their return to school!

Image Copyright Samantha Robison

The goal was to create an engaging and vibrant environment for the students. The mural itself features a larger-than-life portrait of Jeram, a 4-year-old preschool student, surrounded by colourful abstract shapes, stars, and a rocket ship.

“The idea of going to school can elicit a mix of emotions for children. In an effort to make school a more enticing and exciting experience, we worked with Fall River Public schools in Massachusetts to paint a larger than life portrait of a preschool student. Jeram, age 4, is depicted amongst colorful abstract shapes, stars and a rocket ship. Painted on Stone Day School, a special needs institution, the hope is that his bright smile can inspire curiosity and positivity for all who attend the school, including the teachers!”

Kevin Ledo

This collaborative effort aimed to enliven the school surroundings and bring positivity and curiosity to everyone present, including the teachers.

Image Copyright Samantha Robison

In recognition of the project’s success, Kevin Ledo expressed his gratitude to Samantha Robison for her invaluable help on the project. Additionally, Kevin thanked the Fall River Public Schools for embracing the impact of public art on children’s education.

Image Copyright Samantha Robison

This inspiring initiative enriches the educational setting and will bring happiness and joy to young students…who now must be looking forward to returning to school after the holidays to this fantastic surprise!

Image Copyright Samantha Robison



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