Day 3 of Banksy’s animal-themed street exhibition: Three Monkeys over Brick Lane, London

As we enter the third day of Banksy’s animal-themed street exhibition, the mysterious artist has revealed a series of thought-provoking artworks. Starting with a solitary gazelle on day one, followed by two elephants on day two, and today, the unveiling of three mischievous monkeys on day three over Brick Lane.

Image Copyright Banksy

His most recent artwork features three monkeys swinging across a railway bridge over Brick Lane in East London. The inclusion of three monkeys in Banksy’s latest stencilled piece immediately brings to mind the well-known proverbial principle: “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” This timeless concept, originating from Japan, encourages individuals to avoid participating in or being exposed to immoral or harmful actions.The three monkeys have at least two contrasting interpretations. In the Buddhist tradition, they symbolise the avoidance of negative thoughts and actions. In the Western context, however, it is often seen as a way of dealing with wrongdoing by turning a blind eye.

Image Copyright Banksy

As the animal-themed street exhibition in London progresses, one can only speculate about the many interpretations that will arise since Banksy has not provided any further explanation on his Instagram page.

Image Copyright Banksy



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