In 2013, Stik, the renowned British street artist known for his poignant stick figure imagery, collaborated with The Big Issue Japan to create a meaningful piece that reflects his deep connection to social issues, particularly homelessness. This collaboration is beautifully encapsulated in the “Hip” print, which was featured in the September 15th, 2013 issue of The Big Issue Japan.
Image Copyright Stik 2013
Stik’s collaboration with The Big Issue represents his personal journey and unwavering commitment to aiding those in need. Having faced homelessness himself, Stik’s work focuses on giving a voice to the unseen and unheard members of society. His stick figures, devoid of mouths, are symbolic of the silence and invisibility that many homeless individuals experience. Stik captures the essence of their struggles, urging the public to see beyond the surface and recognise the humanity within.
In his own words, Stik stated, “Being homeless is one of the most debilitating things that can happen to an individual. All the support systems rely on you having a home… Most homeless people are invisible as well as silent.” Through his artwork, Stik hopes to ignite conversations around the challenges faced by the homeless and draw attention to the efforts made by individuals selling The Big Issue, who strive for a better life.
The “Hip” print features Stik’s iconic Stickman, defined by six lines and two dots, with the left arm positioned on the hip, presented in four striking colorways. The print was originally found folded within the magazine as it was released, and its edition size remains unspecified, printed through The Big Issue. Additionally, Stik released a limited number of signed 20 “Hip” giclée prints as artist proofs (APs), each in flawless condition and uncreased, making them a rare find for collectors.
We’re thrilled to share that GraffitiStreet has the exclusive AP giclée prints in stock, offering art enthusiasts a wonderful opportunity to own a piece of this meaningful collaboration.
Stik – Hip (Artist Proof Edition)
Medium: Giclée print in colour on heavy wove paper unfolded
Edition: Artist Proof Edition of 20
Size: approx. 25.5 x 60 cm
Description: Signed & numbered in pencil by The Artist.
Year: 2013
Price: £5,950 plus arr
Image Copyright Stik
Contact us for more information on how to purchase these pieces, pop into our gallery in Chichester, England, or visit the online store here.