A Lasting Place: Sebas Velasco’s First Mural in London

Check out Spanish artist Sebas Velasco‘s latest mural and his first mural in London for the London Mural Festival.

Image Copyright Jose Delou

Titled ‘A Lasting Place’, the mural draws inspiration from British musician Loyle Carner, specifically a song from his third album ‘Hugo’. Situated at 12 Cobbett Street, Brixton, this artwork depicts a young man before Brixton’s train line at night.

Image Copyright Jose Delou

The model is a local resident, captured slightly off-centre, gazing into the distance with a relaxed expression while the station’s lights glow in the background. The composition is framed by concrete grey, with aerial dishes and electrical boxes blending the portrait into London’s distant horizon of red brick, glass towers, and trees.

Image Copyright Jose Delou

Sebas’ artistic process involves passionate investigation and spontaneity. He immerses himself in local environments, photographing people and places that inspire his creativity. The final composition is a blend of these interactions, offering a bespoke reflection of his experience living and working in Brixton’s neighbourhoods.

“I have always been very interested in social architecture, but I had no idea that London (particularly Brixton) was so rich in these aesthetics. The wall, like the neighbourhood and the sitter, had so much character and I was grateful for the creative freedom and support from the team in allowing me the space to properly explore this. From photographic staging with my long-time collaborator Jose Delou to painting the final piece, I’m so pleased with this, my first London mural.” Sebas

Sebas’s art has always revolved around the theme of ‘connection’, both in studio works and public spaces. Through his extensive travels, he documents urban life, capturing architecture, cars, streets, and people that reflect historical, economic, and political layers. He aims to bridge the gap between the past and present, elevating our shared human experience of belonging or transitioning through space.

Image Copyright Jose Delou

‘A Lasting Place’ kicks off the London Mural Festival-themed ‘Connection’. The opening weekend will be September 7th-8th, and it will run until September 29th. Other artists include Aches, Bezt Etam, D*Face, and eL Seed.

Image Copyright Jose Delou

Stay tuned for Sebas’ future projects, which include a collaboration with a photographic hip-hop legend (yet to be announced), exhibitions at the Museum of European Modern Art in Barcelona and the Urban Nation Museum in Berlin. In 2025, he will have his debut museum solo show.

Follow updates on Sebas Velasco Instagram



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