Artist Hera Creates Inspiring Murals for HKwalls 2024 Street Art Festival, Hong Kong

HKwalls has just wrapped up its 2024 street art festival, which spanned nine consecutive days and united 32 artists from overseas, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. The festival saw the creation of 41 murals in outdoor locations across Central and Western Districts, Wan Chai, and Tsim Sha Tsui. As part of this year’s festival, German artist Hera was invited to paint three murals, each with a distinct significance and message to communicate.

Hera is recognised worldwide for her amazing style that explores many fictional worlds and characters. Her creations are full of emotional depth and a strong emphasis on storytelling, highlighted by the captivating expressions in her subjects’ eyes. Hera’s artwork often features humans with animals, which is a signature element of her work. Her stunning visuals bring back memories of our childhood, where our imaginary friends were welcomed companions to our imaginative minds.

Artist Portrait: HERA Image courtesy of the artist and HKwalls

In this editorial, we’ll take a closer look at Hera’s murals for this year’s HKWalls.

“Count Your Blessings”

Hera’s first mural, located on 13 Third Street and titled “Count Your Blessings,” is a heartfelt reminder to appreciate the simple things in life and be mindful of what we have. Hera is renowned for her ability to connect with her audience and engage with strangers while working on her HKWalls murals. Hera believes that the connection she makes with people during the creative process stays with the artwork and adds to its beauty and message. Her murals are not merely about the art but also about the human connection. Hera’s “Count Your Blessings” celebrates life, reminding us to cherish every moment and appreciate the beauty of the world around us.

Image courtesy of the artist and photographer Kyra Campbell

“If I was the Hero of a Story, I’d choose ‘Hope’ and ‘Love’ as Travel Buddies on my Quest.”

Hera’s second mural in Hong Kong, situated on the back of the YMCA, 70 Bridges Street, Sheung Wan, depicts a determined girl surrounded by books next to a white peace dove with the inspiring quote, “If I was the hero of a story, I’d choose ‘Hope’ and ‘Love’ as travel buddies on my quest.” The mural beautifully illustrates the influence of hope and love in navigating our life journeys, delivering a positive message that uplifts and inspires viewers to embrace a new, optimistic perspective on the world.

Image courtesy of the artist and photographer Kyra Campbell

“You Should Check Maybe There is… a Whole Universe Inside Your Mind.”

Hera’s last mural at 21 Square Street, Hong Kong, was a spontaneous piece titled, “You Should Check Maybe There is… a Whole Universe Inside Your Mind.” The mural features a star-freckled girl with bows in her hair, as if her mind is wrapped like a beautiful present. Hera’s artwork not only inspires viewers to explore the depths of their minds and imaginations but also highlights the vast potential of the human mind. The mural reminds us that human creativity and innovation are infinite, that the mind is a limitless source of inspiration, and that we should be confident enough with our ideas and dreams to explore them. Hera’s mural encourages us to unlock the full potential of our minds.

Image courtesy of the artist and photographer Kyra Campbell (top) Victor Tong

Each of Hera’s murals not only demonstrates her skills as a street artist but also reflects her unique perspective on life. Her murals celebrate the human spirit and inspire viewers to find hope and positivity in every aspect of life.

Image courtesy of the artist and photographer Kyra Campbell



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