It’s Friday, or should we say Fryday! Banksy has once again caught everyone’s attention with a new animal-themed silhouette that have been popping up across London over the past week.
Today, we were welcomed by the sight of two famished pelicans relishing a complimentary fish meal at Bonners Fish Bar, Pretoria Avenue, Walthamstow. One pelican perched above the yellow sign is savouring a fish, while the second one to the left of the sign is depicted as consuming a fish within the sign, cleverly integrating the fish from the sign into the artwork.

Image copyright Banksy
Like all Banky’s murals, is it just two hungry Pelicans, or does the mural convey a deeper message about the fishing industry, overfishing, and fishing as a food source?
Alternatively, it might be a playful response to another fish and chip mural of a bow-tied fish waving a Union Jack flag in London called Golden Chippy in Greenwich; the Council wanted to remove the mural in March this year as it was in a conservation area. Much to the disapproval of the shop owner and locals who said that if it were a Banksy piece, it would be saved!
Only Banksy knows the true meaning behind the artwork. Interpretations of these murals vary for each person, and it’s our differences that make the world diverse.
Now, who is joining us for a fish and chip meal this evening?