The BUILDHOLLYWOOD family of Jack, Jack Arts and Diabolical has just launched the ‘Division/Revision’ exhibition, the latest instalment of their ongoing arts initiative Your Space Or Mine presented on billboards across the UK.
Division/Revision is curated by artist Uta Kögelsberger and takes place on sixteen billboards changing on a daily basis across the UK in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Glasgow, Manchester, and Sheffield, each billboard showing each artists’ contribution once and the entirety of the works being visible at any given time across the duration of the exhibition… 16 Artists, 16 Billboards, 16 Days.
Sixteen UK-based international artists were invited to each reflect, in a single image, on the question of what brings us together and what pulls us apart, considering that what brings us together is, more often than not, the same thing that separates us.
Mark Titchner, Glasgow
The participating artists are Larry Achiampong, Victor Burgin, Rut Blees Luxemburg, Jasmina Cibic, Fiona Crisp, Jeremy Deller, John Kippin, Uta Kögelsberger, Melanie Manchot, Hardeep Pandhal, Hetain Patel, Ingrid Pollard, Eva Stenram, Mark Titchner, Jane & Louise Wilson and Alberta Whittle.
Larry Achiampong, London Fiona Crisp
The last three years have seen fundamental changes to how we relate to one another as individuals and as a society. Britain has exited from the European Union; the pandemic has brought new geographies to our daily lives; Black Lives Matter has voiced powerful articulations of systemic inequality.
Rut Blees Luxemburg, London
Division/Revision is a reflection on how relations are being re-defined through seismic shifts in the current social and political landscape.
Uta Kögelsberger, Bristol
“People and Places, sounds, eye-catching sights and memorable phrases vitalise our cities. Art in the city inspires and influences music, fashion, design… It’s at the heart of our creative ecosystem. We are thrilled to support the very best of our diverse culture through our Your Space Or Mine street displays. Art lives on our poster sites to spark notice, give pause for thought, raise a smile and rally our spirits.” Tim Horrox, CEO and Founder
Cronyism is English for Corruption (2021) by Jeremy Deller is a typically direct poster work.
In terms of the time of production, it specifically alludes to the mishandling of public funds in purchasing of PPE, etc., during the pandemic but the nostalgia loaded red, white and blue colour scheme suggests betrayal of the public by politicians is nothing new.
‘Division/Revision’ exhibition presented on billboards across the UK over 16 days from the 15th March – 31 March 2021, did you see them pop up in your neighbourhood?
Jasmina Cibic, Sheffield Larry Achiampon, Sheffield
Photo credit The BUILDHOLLYWOOD family of Jack, Jack Arts and Diabolical