The world’s largest outdoor single mural has been completed in Klepp, Rogaland, in just four hot days for the Nuart Festival, Norway. French artists Ella & Pitr have worked at lightning-quick pace to cover Block Berge Bygg’s 21,000m2 roof on the outskirts of Stavanger and created a beautiful new addition to the Rogaland landscape. Luckily for Ella & Pitr they had a bunch of volunteers to help them with this epic project!
French based artist collective Ella & Pitr specialise in creating large-scale murals of fairytale-like characters. Their playful and poignant artworks have brought them international acclaim, and can be found on rooftops, runways, houses, shipping containers and even entire fields. This is their largest mural to date!
The mural titled ‘Lilith and Olaf’ depicts a woman curled up on the rooftop with a very small (in comparison!) figure falling from her fingers. The figure is of King Olaf I of Norway. King Olaf I ruled the country from 995-1000. Various sources cite his birthplace as an islet in Frøylandsvatnet, a lake just metres from Block Berge Bygg’s building.
This mammoth mural is best visualised from the sky. Planes flying into and out of Sola airport and have begun altering their routes to give passengers the best possible view of Rogaland’s new international landmark.
The mural will be officially ‘opened’ by the Mayor of Klepp, Ane Mari Braut Nese, on Friday 4 September at 16:00. The event is open to everyone with locals and visitors to Nuart Festival alike invited to come and meet the artists and celebrate this new local landmark. Live drone footage of the mural will be beamed to guests and food and drinks will be served throughout the afternoon.
Ella & Pitr’s mural acts as a companion piece to the Sola airport control tower, also built by Block Berge Bygg and which was painted by the Polish artist M-City as part of Nuart Festival 2013.
Photo credit ©EllaPitr and ©Eirik Halvorsen
GraffitiStreet will be attending Nuart festival this year so please check back to GraffitiStreet.com/News for all the talent for the 15th year Nuart festival celebrations!