Faith47’s Mural titled ‘Equalitas’ Speaks of Gender Equality, New York City 2019

Faith47 has finished her mural for Street Art for Mankind to push for gender equality in the workplace. The mural is part of the #ILO100Murals, a series of five murals created by world renowned international street artists, that will set the course for a contemporary Art Walk, in the streets of Midtown Manhattan.

The murals celebrate the centennial of the International Labour Organisation (United Nations agency), and capture key themes of the ILO’s efforts to ensure “decent work” for all, and inspire each one of us to create a better “future of work”.

Here Faith47 shares her speech at the official opening of the #ILO100Murals walk of her Mural ‘Equalitas’.

“There has been great progress in the push for gender equality in the workplace, and we need to acknowledge and be grateful to those who have fought in the last century for woman’s rights, who in the 1920’s stood firmly to bring us the right to vote and in the 1960’s introduced progressive legislations paving the way for us to be able to live independently and as equals to our fellow men.
However we understand that the process of empowerment is a something that happens over time and that there is much still much work to be done.
The statistics show that in many communities woman still face discrimination and lack the access to education and to employment that they should have.
Humanity, and the planet earth, with its animals and plants and organisms, face a critical time as it urgently calls for sustainable options moving forward.
 As we witness the rise of increasing polarisation in society we believe that gender equality and the empowerment of women will bring about solutions to some of the issues that we face.
The balance the of masculine and feminine perspective is a necessary part of the healing process of the planet.
Not only in the role of gender, but in the psyche of each one of us.
It is a vital time for the female perspective to be heard.
This is about the Voice,  the mind, the heart and developing intuition and valuing empathy. Owning the right to making decisions about our own  bodies. About nurturing nature. And respecting the dignity of others.
We want to see more women in decision making positions, We want to see more representation of woman, specifically women of colour in government. We congratulate Rwanda in its achievement of 61% women in congress, followed by Cuba and Bolivia, Today America sits a lowly 21% women in congress.
It is time to demand that our workplaces and institutions become more gender responsive and work in solidarity to assist in the creation of more inclusive societies.” Faith47 

Five murals altogether have been painted following the themes: green jobs, youth employment , gender equality at work, child labour and forced labour and the future of work. Artists invited are Clandestinos (Shalak Attack and Bruno Smoky), Faith 47Jorge GeradaMr Cenz and Victor Ash.

The mural can be found at 279 E 44th street, New York.

Photo Credit Just a Spectator



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