Interview with Spidertag: Redefining the Concept of Muralism with His Interactive Neon Murals

Introducing Spidertag, an artist who has redefined the concept of muralism with his cutting-edge Interactive Neon Murals (INM #) project. His fearless experimentation with geometry, abstraction, and minimalism in urban and rural spaces has set him apart as a pioneer in alternative futurism in art. Spidertag’s art invites active viewer participation through an innovative app and a unique fusion of ancient forms and modern neons. With influences ranging from Graffiti to video games, Spidertag’s work represents a hypermodern and intellectual approach to urban art.

Get ready to explore the fascinating era of Neonmetry as we chat with Spidertag.


Can you share the initial spark of inspiration behind incorporating neon technology into your murals and creating the Interactive Neon Murals (INM#) project?


I’ve been experimenting with street art almost all my life. For example, I was doing paste-ups with QR codes around 2010 or playing with UV lights in the Swiss Alps more than a decade ago. At a certain point in my career, I decided to make a big change and relaunch it by searching for a new way of muralism.

About two years later, I discovered a tiny tube that glows with batteries that I used to create interventions in the streets. That was an amazing change, but I continued to look for a similar material with a similar effect but for huge walls. At that point, the new neons just arrived in the market for industrial purposes. I saw that and said Eureka 2!

Since that moment, I’ve developed my own language and my own way of creating the INM#, a new, unique and disruptive way of muralism worldwide.


What kind of preparation, planning, and processing is involved in creating a large-scale interactive neon mural?


It takes about 2 month of preparation for a new mural. From initial conversation with organizers (festivals, events, commisions, etc) to the artistic sketch, the technical sketch and then the factory times and delivery….


Could you elaborate on your artistic language, "futuristic primitivism," and its significance in your work?


Once I decided that neons were my main material, I created my own language based on primitive art forms from human history, mixed with geometry, abstraction, symbolism, and the possibilities and impossibilities of materials.

All this was mixed with the futuristic soul of neon to form what I call futuristic primitivism.


What motivated you to create murals designed to come to life in the darkness?


The night is the natural time for graffiti, and in my case, it’s the natural time for neons.


How do you see the incorporation of technology, such as the colour-changing app, enhancing your neon murals' emotional impact and sensory experience, especially considering the potential mood-enhancing effects of warm-coloured neon lights such as red and yellow?


The effect that I follow is like a crazy experience in which the audience doesn’t understand what is going on, but they feel attracted to go closer to the mural.

Once they get closer and discover that, through a QR code, they can download an APP and change colours and other things to be part of the mural, they are amazed (keep in mind that I have been doing this for years before QRs were used for everything and that Augmented Reality appeared in street art.)


Do your neon murals also interact with music, creating a multi sensory experience for the audience?


Yes, it’s possible. I still don’t have a project to explore that, but like many others, it’s in the box of possibilities. I just need to find the right project.


How do you envision the future of your neon muralism unfolding, especially considering rapid technological advancements?


I’m always surfing the wave, but as a pioneer, I can tell you that it is difficult because every advance that I make and that I’ve made requires time and effort to make it correctly.

As I work with a factory and also with my own team of architects and engineers, I´m always searching for new things. However, it takes time and a lot of issues to consider, sometimes invisible to the public.


In what ways do you think your innovative approach to muralism with neon technology contributes to the art community and its evolution?


It creates new ways to see and understand muralism. Also, it’s a new path, a new highway.


What have been the most challenging aspects of creating the murals, and conversely, what has been the most rewarding part of this process?


The instant of happiness is what I call the moment in which I turn it on for the first time every new mural.

The most difficult thing is facing the unknown when you decide to try something new. You never know if you are going to find something that will fulfil your vision and desire.


10. Do you have any inspirational words or quotes that motivate you to achieve your artistic vision, especially when faced with challenges?


I don’t have. Maybe I need to create one …


If you had unlimited resources, what ambitious neon project would you pursue, and why?


One on the Moon that can be seen from our terrestrial streets …

Spidertag’s innovative approach to muralism and integrating neon technology has certainly opened new frontiers in street art.

We look forward to witnessing the evolution of his neon muralism and its continued impact on the urban art community.


All images copyright Spidertag

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