Ernest Maranje is a Miami based painter and illustrator who discovered his passion for art at the age of 27. His murals fuses all forms of nature, such as animals and flowers, resulting in beautifully painted murals… reminding us that we are all nature and should respect it. The need to be reminded of Nature on a large scale is especially important in these times when so much of our direct relationship with living nature all around us has been largely ignored and forgotten, with concerning consequences.
We catch up with Ernesto Maranje and speak to him about his natural artwork that is juxtaposed over large buildings, bringing nature back… check it out!
When did you first get involved within the street art scene?...how and when did it all begin?
Ernesto Maranje
Beginning of 2015 I painted my first mural in little havana. Another artist named Nicole Salgar (project manager for centrefuge_miami ) took interest in the piece and reached out to me. We linked up, painted, then I painted some more walls, then everything just kept snowballing :) the walls got bigger and the projects very interesting.
What was your first experience with a spray can, and when did people begin to take an interest in your artwork?
Ernesto Maranje
Around mid 2015, I was painting larger scale , and I kept exploring different mediums and applications. Spray paint fit with my work very fluidly. I believe it be be an extremely experimental medium.
Who are your biggest influences; people, movements, styles?
Ernesto Maranje
Being that I just recently began drawing and painting in 2012, my influences have been many, changing at a very high speed within these past few years. But the biggest would defiantly be Nosego, Aryz, Pixel Pancho, I am very intrigued by their imagination, approach to painting in general , and on a large scale. I love the impressionist movement, and way too many styles to name… like I said constantly changing :)
Your paint themes of nature... animals, flowers growing on concrete walls. How do you communicate this within your artwork and why is nature of a particular interest to you?
Ernesto Maranje
I am constantly reminded of nature in my daily life. I am a part and product of nature and that will forever be mind-blowing to me. I like to explore how my mind could enter a state of trance and intuitive painting while still considering basic fundamentals of art and design. This application process is really what I’m after. Natural shapes and patterns found in nature allow themselves to take part of my work. Organic brush strokes always look like flowers to me, so I just follow that intuition.
Your murals consist of smaller details, i.e. flowers etc and you build upon them to create a truly detailed composition. Describe your creative process, do you paint from a detailed plan?
Ernesto Maranje
I have a loose sketch of the main silhouette and composition I want to work with , and I compose a mood board as inspiration, then I freestyle the rendering, using smaller shapes and details.
They say don't work with animals and children! I think yourself and our friends at aptART smashed that comment!! What was it like collaborating with the children in Jordan refugee camps, and why was this project a particular interest to you?
Ernesto Maranje
Any time I am able to use the skills and ideas I develop as an artist in such a positive way such as the project with aptART I am extremely interested working with. Working with the children was extremely inspirational for me, and I truly felt the feeling was mutual.
What are the different challenges you are confronted with when painting murals in the street vs painting works on canvas?
Ernesto Maranje
I decide if I will show the work I paint in my studio, the process is much more personal. I find my mural work to be more transparent, it develops outside in public view.
You have painted some seriously high walls, with your latest wall in Kiev being a staggering and impressive 16 storey high building! Do heights concern you? and how do you plan/scale your design for the wall?
Ernesto Maranje
I’m very scared of heights! but it’s been getting better lately, since the walls have been getting bigger. I am more scared of not finishing in the projected time, so I never think of how high I’m working! jajaja.
How much does your art affect or influence your everyday life?
Ernesto Maranje
As cheesy as this sounds, there is no distinction between my art and my everyday life. It’s all kind of the same system since 2015, which happened organically, so I never saw it coming.
If you had the choice to collaborate with another artist (dead or alive), who would it be and why?
Ernesto Maranje
I would have to say Nosego, for the simple reason of how much fun I think it will be to create with such an imaginative and innovative individual.
You have been painted huge murals in Florida, Ukraine, Jordan etc ...What are your future plans, any other big projects we can expect to see?
Ernesto Maranje
End of September I am part of GraffitiStreet Underground 2016 Art Group Show in London. A project in Portland Oregon with aptART in the next weeks. A solo show coming up for the month of November, in the gallery WYN317, Wynwood… and a few fun things for Art Basel towards the end of the year!
Thank you Ernesto for taking time out of your busy schedule for a chat with the GS Team. We have seen Ernesto’s artwork for the Underground 2016 art group show and it is stunning!! The way Ernesto mixes natures many forms is truly beautiful. We all share the same mother… Mother Nature.
Photos courtesy of Ernesto Maranje