Fifteen years after Invader’s previous trip to Ljubljana, the mosaic artist is back in the capital city of Slovenia for a second wave of invasion and a solo show Prints on Paper at MGLC.
The invasion of Ljubljana wave2 counts 22 new mosaics in addition to the 20 first ones installed back in 2006 on the occasion of a previous exhibition at MGLC.
2006, photo credit Invader
The common thread of the invasion is the dragon, which is the symbol of the city.
Invader’s work is modelled on the crude pixellation of the 1970s-1980s 8-bit video games. His distinctive creations can be seen in many highly visible locations in 80 cities around the world and to date invader has installed an impressive 4,056 art pieces!
The second wave invasion of Ljubljana now leaves 42 mosaics and 1,180 Points to the total score of his smartphone app ‘Flash Invaders’. Fans accumulate points by shooting photographs of his work, submitting pictures to Invader’s website and receiving points for the photos.
Photo Credit Invader