My Dog Sighs paints in Rome for the Forgotten Project, Italy 2018

Forgotten Project was born in 2015 to enhance Rome’s contemporary architecture through urban art. The first edition focused on old factories, closed down cinemas, small stations, local markets and abandoned buildings and brought 5 portuguese artists Add Fuel, Frederico Draw, Miguel Januário (±MaisMenos±), Bordalo II and Daniel Eime .This year the Forgotten Project focuses on United Kingdom bringing British artists to the open-air museum of Rome.

The second edition again will focus on buildings to be converted and invites UK artists Dan Kitchener, Lucy McLauchlan, My Dog Sighs and Phlegm to create murals in Rome.

The first of the four projects focused on the theme of hospitals and was painted in the Trastevere district, in via Morosini at Presidio Nuovo Regina Margherita of ASL Roma 1, by UK street artist My Dog Sighs.

The artwork, titled “I still remember how it was before”, is strongly linked to its location. After researching the building from several points of view (architectural, anthropological and social) and studying the transformations it has had over time, My Dog Sighs painted 540 of his iconic eyes, in which there is the reflection of the wall itself and of Rome’s skyline.

Portsmouth based My Dog Sighs did an open call in order to collect photos of local people who had a story connected with the hospital, of whom he draw the silhouettes into the reflections in the eyes.

“Every eye tells the story of the community and of the place that has taken care of each of them. Forgotten Project is an interesting project and to paint the wall I had to understand both the location and the local community first” My Dog Sighs

On Saturday March 17th, Forgotten will organise the first Free Art Friday in Rome, this time on a Saturday, to honour My Dog Sighs, the ambassador of the worldwide movement Free Art Friday. Along the Trastevere streets people will have the chance to find free artworks left by many artists and take them home.


Photo Credit Forgotten Project/ Stefano Corso




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