Ricardo Romero presents “Caetana” – A Contemporary Homage to “Orphan” by Simões de Almeida

Portuguese street artist Ricardo Romero presents “Caetana”, a contemporary sculpture paying homage to the classic artwork “Orphan” by Simões de Almeida. The sculpture is on display at the Museu e Centro de Artes de Figueiró dos Vinhos, Portugal, in honour of the artist’s birthplace.

This thought-provoking sculpture is a reinterpretation of “Orphan,” which originated in 1871 and was restored in 2019 using the same cutting-edge 3D technology.

Image copyright Ricardo Romero

The original “Orphan” reflected the trials of its time, depicting a child stripped not only of parents but also of a homeland and hope for the future, echoing the societal and financial difficulties of that era. In contrast, Caetana is a counterpoint to the original sculpture, conceived using 3D technology in the 21st century. In a world once again grappling with war and hardship, Caetana symbolises a glimmer of hope for a brighter future.

Image copyright Ricardo Romero

While the “Orphan” extends a hand in supplication, yearning for something to be offered, Caetana embodies the giver, offering the flower as a symbol of continuity and hope for our world and our future. Ricardo Romero explains .

“This sculpture is based on a reinterpretation of the sculpture “Orphan” by Simões de Almeida (Uncle) dating from 1871, and was restored in 2019 using 3D technology. Characteristic of that time of trials, at a time plagued by social and financial difficulties, “Orphan” reflects a child deprived not only of parents but of a homeland and hope for the future.

The sculpture “Caetana” aims to be a counterpoint, conceived in the 21st century also using 3D technology, in a world that is once again ravaged by war and hardship but, nevertheless, with a glimmer of hope for a brighter future.

The name “Caetana” is loaded with symbolism linked to determination and strength, distinction and uniqueness. Caetana holds a flower in her hand in what is intended to be a passing on of testimony, a link between past and present. The “orphan” extends his hand in supplication for something that can be offered to him, while Caetana is the one who offers, the one who gives the flower, the seed, the deposit of continuity of our world, of our Nature, of our flower…”

Ricardo Romero

The artistic interpretation of Caetana provides a poignant and timely message of resilience and renewal in the face of adversity, inviting viewers to ponder the cyclical nature of human struggle and the enduring presence of hope.

Image copyright Ricardo Romero

This contemporary sculpture not only pays homage to the original “Orphan” but also captures the essence of our current world, where perseverance and optimism are essential virtues.

Image copyright Ricardo Romero

Through the skilful use of 3D technology and symbolism, Caetana offers a powerful commentary on the human experience, reminding us of our ability to overcome challenges and sow the seeds of a brighter tomorrow.

Image copyright Ricardo Romero

The sculpture is located at the Museu e Centro de Artes de Figueiró dos Vinhos, Av. José Malhoa, Figueiró dos Vinhos, and comes after their summer exhibition “Simões de Almeida (1844 – 1926) The Genius of the Arts”.

Image copyright Ricardo Romero



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