‘Sofia and the Mountain’ by Bergen-based artist NIMI makes its appearance in Stavanger courtesy of Nuart’s latest ‘Art City’ program. The piece depicts NIMI’s daughter, Sofia, and the famous Rogaland landmark – Preikestolen rock or Pulpit Rock.
Along the plateau of the rock there continues to be a deep crack. Due to these cracks, the plateau will at some point fall down, but all the geological investigations have revealed that this will not happen in the foreseeable future, and geologists have confirmed the safety of the plateau. Hence the lock painted on the mural preventing the plateau falling.
The cliff overlooks the lush green valleys of the Ryfylke region. The mountains surrounding the cliff reach heights of up to 843 metres (2,766 ft). Some of the hilltops have plains which are interspersed with lakes and has been described as one of the natural wonders of the world.
NIMI, who originates from South Africa, describes the piece as a comment on the world in which his children are growing up:
“It stands for the pride I have in my children. That they should be seen and heard: a force for good and a benefit to the society and land that they are a part of and that is part of them.”NIMI
NIMI is an architect and street artist who likes to experiment with a variety of techniques, mediums and creative processes in his finely detailed murals and paintings. This new landmark was created with the assistance of local artist RH74 and can be found at Store Skippersgate 35, 4013 Stavanger.
‘Sofia and the Mountain’ is the first artwork to be produced under the ‘Art City’ banner: a self-financed initiative by Nuart to produce work outside of the festival period. This on-going project will run alongside and find convergence points between Street Art and the region’s Smart City programs: the intent being to develop the region as an international ‘hub’ and destination for Street Art culture all year around.
There’s no doubt that Street Art will eventually merge with Public Art programs in general. Nuart would like to be at the forefront of bringing about a convergence between digital media, new technologies and Smart Cities with Street and Public Art.
Photo credit Brian Tallman