Space Invader is the pseudonym of a well-known French urban artist whose work is modelled on the crude pixellation of 1970s-1980s 8-bit video games. He took his name from the 1978 arcade game Space Invaders, and much of his work is composed of square ceramic tiles inspired by video game characters.
His distinctive creations can be seen in many highly visible locations in more than 65 cities in 30 countries. Invader has currently installed more than 3,236 pieces around the world. A map on the space invaders website tracks his travels around the world, and not forgetting SpaceOne, a mosaic that flew to the stratosphere at about 35 kilometres above ground (22 miles).
The French street artist Invader has made his sixth invasion in New York City. During his 2015 invasion 42 new pieces have just appeared in the Big Apple, making the current total of 188 invaders in NYC earning him 5330 points! This is the most accomplished Invasion ever undertaken in this city, with some space invaders mosaics, but also tributes to great icons of NYC like Andy Warhol, Lou Reed, Woody Allen, the Ramones, Revs & Cost, Spider man and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! (TMNT).
Check out google maps to pin point the exact locations of his mosaics…
As you can see Invader has been busy with his New York invasion. Check out some of his new invasions below…
NY_149: Joey Ramone Invader first strikes with a 6 foot giant, pixelated portrait of Joey Ramone in 360 Troutman street, Bushwick. In September 2010, the Associated Press reported that “Joey Ramone Place,” a sign at the corner of Bowery and East Second Street was New York City’s most stolen sign. Later, the sign was moved to 20 feet above ground level. Lets hope the invader piece is just too big to take…
NY_150: High in NY 49 Wyckoff Street, Brooklyn. Another Bushwick piece, a large Invader on the side of a chimley.
NY_153: Michelangelo, TMNT and the Invader, who has been disguising himself as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, created this giant 9-foot tall Michelangelo in Little Italy. With help from the LisaprojectNYC
NY_156: Leonardo, TMNT 277 Broome St. Another Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle hits New York. This time, Leonardo is appropriately placed over Williamsburg Pizza in the Lower East Side.
NY_158: Space Invader Chasing Hamburger 385 6th Avenue. With help from the LisaprojectNYC. This piece can be found in West Greenwich Village above the Waverly Diner. Looks like the Invader has ordered the Hamburger!
NY_160: Classic Invader can be found located in Brooklyn on the corner of Utica Avenue and St. John’s Place. Looks like he needs to get a move on before he gets ‘buffed’ white also!
NY_161: Spray Painting NY is located in Nolita.
NY_163: Donatello, TMNT 114 10th Avenue. Here’s Donatello, notorious for his love of pizza, eating a slice at Artichoke Basille’s in Chelsea.
NY_165: Lou Reed 110 St Marks Place, a mosaic of Lou Reed from the Velvet Underground can be found on the infamous rock n’ roll street in the East Village.A reminder of the East Village’s punk-rock past. Significant moments in counterculture history happened all along the street: Abbie Hoffman invented the Yippies. Andy Warhol, the Velvet Underground, and Jimi Hendrix performed at the old Electric Circus nightclub, and gallery 51X backed eighties-era graffiti artists like Keith Haring and Basquiat… can we expect more mosaics along here in the next wave…
NY_168: Invader’s the Talk of the Town 354 Broadway, Brooklyn. This can be found above KidSuper in Brooklyn.
NY_169: River Invader. This white invader can be spotted enjoying the view of the Hudson River Park near Pier 40, perhaps watching a game of the local New York Knights rugby team.
NY_171: Spiderman, accompanied by his Invader sidekick climbs the wall at St. Marks Place.
NY_173: Woody Allen 67 1st Avenue can be found in the East Village above Rick’s Cafe and Juice Bar, in ‘Manhattan‘!
NY_178: Andy Warhol 25 Cooper Square accompanied by an Invader-Warhol, can be found on the side of the Standard Hotel in East Village. With help from the LisaProjectNYC. A tribute to the American artist who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art. He managed and produced The Velvet Underground, a rock band which had a strong influence on the evolution of punk rock music.
NY_179: Jumbo Slice of Pizza Power with an Invader topping! order me one of those please! a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle special!
NY_180: The Ramones New Yorks rock band.
NY_183: Diamonds Are an Invader’s Best Friend 82 Bowery, appropriately placed above a diamond store in the Bowery….Invaders are a girls best friend!
NY_186: Tagging NYC Another spray paint can tagging New York, hitting Williamsburg, Brooklyn
This is only 18 of his 42 new NYC pieces so take a trip to New York, find the rest and take on the Invaders Mission… to Spot and “flash” the street mosaics of Invader. The Invader has released a smartphone app ‘Flash Invaders’ . Fans accumulate points by shooting photographs of his work, submit pictures to Invader’s website and receive points for the photos.
To date he has 6658 players, a whooping 202440 Flashes and has given away 7239180 points!
Invader’s work has become popular with collectors. In March 2015, a large piece sold at auction for almost $350,000 at Christie’s in Hong Kong.
Photo credit Space Invader
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