Street Artist BLU Explores the Emergence and Growth of Palermo’s Second-Hand Market in Animated Mural Video

Italian street artist Blu has released a new video titled “BALLARÒ / I WILL DANCE”. The video is an animated mural made in Palermo and inspired by the second-hand markets established in the late 1990s or early 2000s. The exact date is difficult due to the market’s informal nature.

Initially, the market was located in the historic Ballarò food market, but it later moved to San Saverio and expanded to become the largest trading hub for low-value items in Palermo. The market’s growth, which now sees 800 to 1,000 vendors per day, can be attributed to the significant economic hardship and social marginalisation experienced by a large segment of Palermo’s population.

The lack of institutional oversight and services in the area has led to the consolidation of self-governed and spontaneous practices to make ends meet.

To learn more about Blu’s latest video, check out his news page for an in-depth look at the building used to create the stunning animation, showcased in all its beautifully painted glory.

Blu thanks the workers of the Albergheria famous market, Sbaratto, Clelia, Anto, Giusy, Massi, Cri, Giulia, Francesca, Stefi, the girls and boys of the academy, Runtothethunder for music, SOS Ballarò, and all those who contributed to the realisation of this project.

Image / Video Copyright BLU May 2023



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