The Gallura area in Italy is renowned for its abundant flora, considered one of its many riches. Fabio Petani‘s latest artwork, “ESSENZE DI GALLURA/ GALLURA ESSENCES,” supported by the Associazione Culturale Skizzo, depicts this flora and its symbolism in a unique and artistic way.
The artwork on display is a stunning representation of the typical flora found in Arzachena, which beautifully highlights the natural richness of the territory. As you walk along the staircase, you’ll be led by the symbolic Myrtle and Rosemary towards the church of Santa Lucia. It is here where the patron saint of sight and eye protection is venerated and where you’ll find the olive tree, a powerful symbol of peace and brotherhood that is especially relevant in our current time.

Fabio Petani “ESSENZE DI GALLURA/ GALLURA ESSENCES”. Image Copyright Fabio Petani
The sacred olive tree is an important symbol of peace and brotherhood and is a symbol of regeneration and peace in various traditions, is also prominently featured.
Fabio Petani “ESSENZE DI GALLURA/ GALLURA ESSENCES”. Image Copyright Fabio Petani
The rosemary plant, depicted in a white silhouette, is considered to contain a substance active against macular degeneration, which affects the retina. The herb is known to promote eye health by protecting the retina from diseases that can affect it. This is due to carnosic acid, a diterpenoid that actively counteracts degeneration and toxicity in the retina.
Myrtle, another plant depicted in the work, is a symbol of purity and beauty, often linked to the name of Venus, the goddess of love. The plant is widespread in Sardinia, and its berries are used to produce the famous Sardinian Myrtle. Its properties have been known since ancient times, and it is even said that the plant was used to crown the winners of the first Olympic competitions.
Fabio Petani “ESSENZE DI GALLURA/ GALLURA ESSENCES”. Image Copyright Fabio Petani
The synoptic scale, represented by a striking red band, draws attention to climate change and the need for environmental awareness. On a synoptic scale, atmospheric and oceanic motions are studied over horizontal lengths ranging from hundreds to thousands of kilometres, averaged over times in the order of 12-24 hours. This study falls within the scope of synoptic meteorology.
Saint Lucia, the patron saint of sight and all those who suffer from problems related to it, is also depicted in the work. Devotes consider her the protector of the eyes, the blind, ophthalmologists, electricians, and stonemasons. She is often invoked against eye diseases.
Fabio Petani “ESSENZE DI GALLURA/ GALLURA ESSENCES”. Image Copyright Fabio Petani
Fabio Petani’s beautiful work is a unique and artistic representation of the abundant flora of the Gallura area. It showcases the symbolism behind each plant, the power and beauty of nature and the need to protect it in the face of climate change.
Image Copyright Fabio Petani